Adamá is featured in the main Brazilian magazines

The month of April 2020 will be marked forever in the history of Adamá. After the great success of the debut at Expo Revestir, in March, the repercussion that the media gave to the most important launches of coatings deserves to be highlighted. Among the publications, the main Brazilian magazines: Casa e Jardim and Casa Vogue, both by Editora Globo and Revista Claudia, by Editora Abril (from the architecture, decoration and feminine segments), which just published their specials about the fair.
Claudia Magazine
The presence in so many articles is a reflection of the repercussion that Adamá had during the event, with professionals in the area, journalists and influencers, who visited the stand and were delighted by the news, especially with the colorful and Brazilian design of the encaustic cement tiles.
Among the pieces published are the Selva and Urbano tiles, which express the different faces of our country, in addition to the special edition Orixás, which won two totems during Expo Revestir.
Casa e Jardim
For such a young and innovative brand like Adamá it is a great honor to receive such great recognition, which further reinforces our proposal to tell stories through design, in addition to our willingness to work with love and originality.
Casa Vogue
Our team thanks you for this very special moment!